Ultimate Seoul Street Food Guide

Ultimate Seoul Street Food Guide

You have arrived in the lively streets of Seoul, where every nook and cranny is brimming with mouthwatering and unusual street cuisine. You’ve arrived at the ideal location if you consider yourself a foodie or just like indulging in some genuine Korean cuisine whenever you have the chance. There is no dish that can’t be found in Seoul, from tangy tteokbokki and sweet hotteok to savory fried chicken and reviving bingsu. 

However, since there are so many different alternatives, it might be difficult for guests to decide which one of them to try first. Because of this, we have compiled this comprehensive guide to assist you in making your way through the crowded streets of Seoul and learning about the city’s most mouthwatering street food specialties. Let’s not waste any time and get to know this magnificent city by diving in headfirst, shall we?

What to eat when you’re out and about in Seoul

Ultimate Seoul Street Food Guide

There is an almost infinite variety of alternatives available to those seeking street cuisine in Seoul. Everyone’s tastes may be accommodated, from salty munchies to sugary treats and everything in between. Tteokbokki, which consists of chewy rice cakes covered in a spicy gochujang sauce and topped with fish cake pieces and green onions, is certainly a delicacy that you should try at least once. One such well-liked food is kimbap, which is the Korean equivalent of sushi rolls and is stuffed with a variety of meats, vegetables, and pickled radishes.

If you’re in the mood for some excitement, why don’t you try some sundae? It may not seem appetizing, but believe us when we say that this classic banger made from pig intestines is quite wonderful. Alternately, dak galbi is a famous chicken meal that is cooked on a sizzling hot plate with vegetables and is served with rice. This option is suitable for those who are seeking something more substantial.

And let’s not leave out the sugary treats, shall we? The sweet delicacy known as hotteok is formed from gooey dough that is stuffed with brown sugar syrup and various nuts. Bingsu, which is a delicacy made of shaved ice and may come in flavors like mango or red bean, is an excellent choice for those who want to escape the oppressive heat of summer.

Therefore, the next time you find yourself wandering about in Seoul, make it a point to pick up some bits of street cuisine that will make your taste buds need more.

How to order street food in Korea

Ultimate Seoul Street Food Guide

First-time visitors to Korea may find it intimidating to place their orders for street food, but keep going! Following these pointers can help you place orders like an expert. 

It is essential that you be aware that the vast majority of vendors selling street food in Korea will only take cash payments; hence, you should ensure that you have sufficient funds on hand before making an order. If you aren’t sure what to get, don’t be hesitant to ask the seller questions or for advice; you have nothing to lose by doing so. Before you commit to making a purchase, they could even provide you with free samples to test out first.

When placing an order, it is customary to use certain terms, such as “hangul won” (which translates to “Korean won“) when making a payment and “just” (which translates to “please give me”) when making a request. In addition to this, it is useful to point to the item or image of the menu item that you wish to order.

You are welcome to add any condiments offered, like hot sauce or sesame oil, on your own, or you may inquire about getting some help from the seller. Last but not least, keep in mind that dining on the move is an integral part of the adventure; savor the delectable street cuisine while discovering all Korea has to offer.

Where to find the best street food in Seoul

Ultimate Seoul Street Food Guide

You now have access to the most comprehensive guide on Seoul’s street food! It doesn’t matter whether you’re looking for a well-known pleasure like tteokbokki or a less well-known one like hotteok or sundae; the streets of Seoul are packed with delectable selections that are sure to fulfill your hunger.

You should keep in mind that placing an order for street food in Korea may at first seem frightening, but you shouldn’t allow this deter you from trying new things. Have some sense of adventure, don’t be scared to walk outside of your comfort zone, and don’t be hesitant to ask questions.

Gwangjang Market and Myeong-dong are two of the greatest places in Seoul to get a diverse selection of delicious street foods; thus, you should go there. Or, if you’re in the mood for a little more excitement, you may search for hidden treasures by going to some of the city’s more obscure marketplaces and alleys.

Regardless of your tastes, there is no denying that Seoul is a paradise for anyone who like eating street cuisine from all over the world. Your taste senses will be grateful if you give in to the want to sample each of the incredible flavors this city has to offer.